

Since the beginning of the 20th century the Aquincum Museum’s Department of Ancient History has been collecting wooden remains from the Roman period found during excavations (primarily building materials such as beams and piles, but also barrel staves and well-casings).

The finds were organised into a collection in 2003. Since then all wooden remains in the collection have been inventoried and they are available for research. Before entering the collection, all finds are conserved – previously using a sugar-water solution and nowadays the much more modern freeze-drying technology.

Dendrochronological analysis has been carried out on a significant part of the collection. Through this we can determine the trees’ species and when they were felled, helping to establish when certain Roman buildings were constructed. The collection of over 520 items includes unique objects like barrels marked with a brand from a Roman pottery workshop’s wells excavated to the east of the Civil Town, or wooden parts of a bridgehead by the Danube. Finds from the collection are often exhibited and also serve as a basis for ongoing research.

The curator of the collection: Dr Orsolya Láng

Széchenyi 2020
Széchenyi 2020