
Samhain – Celtic Halloween 2022

Samhain - Celtic Halloween in Aquincum on Sunday, 30 October 2022!

Prior to the Roman conquest, the area of the Hungarian capital was inhabited by the Celtic Eravisci. To make the customs and festivals of the Celts more accessible, we are dedicating the end of October to the Celts for the fourth time this year.

For the Celtic calendar, the end of October marked the end of summer. That is when the Celts celebrated the festival of Samhain, which may be seen as the ancestor of modern-day Halloween. The Samhain at Aquincum offers all visitors arts and crafts workshops and a host of exciting educational activities connected with Celtic traditions.

16:00-20:00 Celtic lifestyle and dress demonstration
16:00-23:00 Fortune telling from Ogham stones (in HU)
16:00-21:00 The great dormouse hunt – game among the ruins (in HU)
16:00-21:00 Arts and crafts: Noisemaker, Chestnut pet, King of winter figurine making, Face painting, Pumpkin carving, Felt mask, Mummy lamp*
16:30-17:00 Night of the fairies: Celtic tales for children (storyteller: Csenge Virág Zalka) (in HU)
16:30-17:00 Celtic HEMA
16:45-17:30 Celts in Aquincum – guided tour (in HU)
17:00-17:30 The remains of Celtic deer cult in Budapest – lecture by Attila Horváth (in HU)
17:30-22:00 Scary archaeological park – scavenger hunt (in HU)
17:30-18:00 Carved pumpkin beauty contest
18:00-18:45 Where did the Celts go? The early history of the Civil Town – lecture by Dr Orsolya Láng (in HU)
18:30-18:45 Celtic fire duel and fire juggling
18:45-19:15 Who is the Celtest of them all? – costume contest
18:45-19:15 What did the Celts eat? – lecture by Attila Beck (in HU)
19:00-19:30  Age of heroes. Celtic legends for adults (storyteller: Csenge Virág Zalka) (in HU)
19:30-20:15 Celts in Aquincum – guided tour (in HU)
19:45-20:15 Celtic fire duel and fire juggling
20:00-20:30 Samhain – When the otherworld opens up – lecture by Attila Beck (in HU)
20:30-21:00 Fandyr concert
21:00-22:00 Bordó Sárkány concert
22:00-22:45 Celtic fire ritual and sacrifice, followed by fire dancing with giant puppets and fire jugglers
We reserve the right to make changes to the programme!
Ticket prices:

Adult: 2200 HUF/person
Adult (group of over 20 persons): 1800 HUF/person
Student/pensioner: 1100 HUF/person
Student/pensioner (group of over 10 persons): 900 HUF/person
Family (2 adults 2 children): 5500 HUF/family
Free entry for visitorswith a valid address card with a permanent address in District 3.

During the event the usual discounts are not valid. The event can be visited free of charge by people with a Ukrainian passport or other documents proving their Ukrainian refugee status. The event can be further visited free of charge by journalists, people with disabilities and their companion (1 companion per person), visitors under the age of 6, visitors over the age of 70 and teachers accompanying school groups as well as tour guides accompanying tourist groups. Upon request, the eligibility for discounts must be verified at the venue.


* Arts and crafts activities are only available to arts and crafts ticket holders! Noisemaker 300 HUF, Chestnut pet 300 HUF, King of winter figurine making 600 HUF, Face painting 600 HUF, Pumpkin carving 1200 HUF, Felt mask 900 HUF, Mummy lamp 600 HUF.  The tickets can be purchased at the information desk until 20:00, or until stocks last. The arts and crafts tickets can be used on the given day until 20:30!



Széchenyi 2020
Széchenyi 2020