
Organ room closed on morning of 11/11

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On 11 November 2021 until 12:00, the Organ room of the Rome in Aquincum exhibition will be closed.


Face masks mandate from 1 November

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From 1 November visitors must wear a face mask covering the nose and mouth in our museum.


Holiday schedule – 30 October – 1 November

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Holiday schedule at the Aquincum Museum - 30 October - 1 November

Aquincum tavasz

National Day – 23 October

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On account of the National Day, the museum can be visited free of charge on 23 October 2021.


Organ room partially closed on 12/10

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On 12 October 2021, between 10:00 and 12:00, the Organ room will be closed for a workshop.


(HU) A XXIV. Aquincumi Költőverseny díjazottjai

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(HU) Az alábbiakban olvashatják a XXIV. Aquincumi Költőverseny díjazottjainak névsorát, illetve a nyertes és döntőbe jutott pályaműveket.

Múzeumpedagógia díj 2021

Awards for museum education

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Two of our colleagues at the BHM Aquincum Museum have won awards for museum education on 27 September 2021!


Exhibition building closed on 21 September

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On Tuesday 21 September 2021 the museum's exhibition building will be closed to visitors for a conference. On 21 September you can visit the Aquincum Museum with an Archaeological Park ticket.


Our exhibition Ingenious inventions – Innovative ideas has been nominated for Exhibition of the Year 2021!

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The Pulszky Society - Hungarian Museum Association has nominated our exhibition Ingenious inventions – Innovative ideas: Episodes from the history of ancient technology for their Exhibition of the Year 2021 award!

7000 eves

A 7000-Year-Old Message – Our exhibition in the Summer 2021 issue of Hungarian Archaeology

Archived news

Read the new article about our "A 7000-Year-Old Message: Remains of the Neolithic World in and around Budapest" exhibition and the connected catalogue in the e-journal Hungarian Archaeology!

Széchenyi 2020
Széchenyi 2020