
(HU) Hlavácsné Kérdő Katalin †

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(HU) A BTM Aquincumi Múzeuma mély fájdalommal tudatja mindazokkal, akik ismerték és szerették, hogy múzeumunk egykori régésze és főmuzeológusa, Hlavácsné Kérdő Katalin elhunyt. Személyes emlékét és munkásságát mindörökre megőrizzük.


Opening times during the national holiday

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Free admission during the national holiday on 15 March 2019.


The museum has re-opened

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Following the renovation of the exhibition building’s interior and the conservation of the exhibited artefacts, as of 5 March the Aquincum Museum is now open to visitors!


(HU) XXII. Aquincumi Költőverseny

Archived news

(HU) Az Aquincumi Múzeum, a Magyar Írószövetség és a Pannon Művészet Alapítvány meghirdeti a XXII. Aquincumi Költőversenyt.


125 years of the Aquincum Museum

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10 May of this year marked the 125th anniversary of the Aquincum Museum, which opened its gates in 1894.


Archived news

News - 2018


Happy Holidays!

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Dies sollemnes nativitatis et annum novum faustum.


Opening times during the Holidays

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Opening times during the Holidays.


Museum closed between 1 January and 4 March 2019

Archived news

Between 1 January and 4 March 2019, during the renovation of the exhibition building's interior and the conservation of the exhibited artefacts, the Aquincum Museum and the Archaeological Park will be CLOSED.


Winter opening times

Archived news

Winter opening times at the Aquincum Museum from 1 November 2018.

Széchenyi 2020
Széchenyi 2020