Renewal of the Hercules Villa
Archived news
From 22 April the Hercules Villa will be open again on Sundays.
(HU) XXI. Aquincumi Költőverseny – EREDMÉNYEK
Archived news
(HU) A 2018. április 7-i döntő eredményei alább olvashatók.
Opening times during Easter
Archived news
The museum will be OPEN during 30 March - 2 April and CLOSED on 3 April 2018.
Laser scanner survey at the House of the Painter
Archived news
On 10 March 2018 (Saturday morning) the House of the painter will be closed.
(HU) Megújult régészeti honlapunk
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(HU) 2018 januárjában megújult a Budapesti Történeti Múzeum, így az Aquincumi Múzeum régészeinek munkáját bemutató honlapunk.
The Aquincum organ exhibition will be closed for two days
Archived news
Aquincum organ exhibition will be closed on 25 and 26 January 2018
Restoration work at the Baths Museum
Archived news
Restoration works have begun at the Baths Museum on 15 January 2018.
Installation of the new temporary exhibition
Archived news
The temporary exhibition hall is currently closed.
Virtual Experience Area temporarily closed
Archived news
The Virtual Experience Area will be closed from 12:00 to 16:00 on 9 February 2018.