The Aquincum organ exhibition
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On 17 November 2015 the Aquincum organ exhibition will be open only between 12:30 and 13:30
Aquincum organ exhibition closed
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On 30 October 2015 the Aquincum organ exhibition will be closed between 12:00 and 14:00.
Changing opening times
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Opening hours to change between 27 October and 31 October 2015.
Changed date for free admission
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On 27 September 2015 visitors from the European Economic Area (under 26 and close relatives accompanying children under 18) can visit the Aquincum Museum for free.
Open excavation in the Archaeological Park
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In August visitors to the Archaeological Park of the Aquincum Museum can find out about the world of excavations at the open excavation conducted in the northern part of the Civil Town, in the so-called craftsmen’s and merchants’ quarter.
(HU) Hozd magaddal a nagyit!
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(HU) Szünidei program unokáknak és nagyszülőknek 2015. augusztus 11-én 10:00-12:00
(HU) Oroszlánok Aquincumban
Archived news
(HU) Színházi előadások az Aquincumi Múzeumban, az Óbudai Nyár jegyében. Előadások: 2015. július 3-4-5.
(HU) Római Baba Mama klub – Ókori mesék
Archived news
(HU) Óvodás korú gyermekeket és szüleiket várjuk egy délelőtti aquincumi kalandozásra 2015. július 14-én.