New book: Become an Ancient Engineer!
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New book: Become an Ancient Engineer! Museum Activity Book on the Ingenious Inventions and Innovative Ideas of the Ancient World
Holiday schedule – 1 May
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On 29 and 30 April the museum is open, on 1 May the museum is closed.
Summer opening times from 1 April 2023
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From 1 April 2023, summer opening hours apply at the Aquincum Museum.
The museum has re-opened!
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From 16 February 2023, the Aquincum Museum is again open to visitors!
National Day – 15 March
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On Wednesday, 15 March 2023, in honour of the National Day, the Aquincum Museum can be visited free of charge!
Archaeological park closed on 11 March
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The archaeological park due to the wind is closed today (11 March)
Governor’s palace room periodically closed 07/03-09/03
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The Governor's palace room will be closed to visitors from 10:00 to 12:30 on 7-8-9 March 2023 (Tue-Wed-Thurs) for our Special history class event. Thank you for your understanding!
(HU) Póczy Klára 100
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(HU) Idén lenne 100 éves Dr. Póczy Klára, régész, az Aquincumi Múzeum egykori igazgatója.
The museum is closed until 15 February 2023
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From 31 December 2022 to 15 February 2023, the museum is closed. From 16 February 2023, winter opening hours resume!