
Organ room – 22 November

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Dear Visitors, On Tuesday, 22 November 2022, the Organ room of the Rome in Aquincum exhibition will open at 11:30. Thank you for your understanding!


Budapest Day – free entry with Budapest address card – on 17 Nov

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On Thursday, 17 November 2022, in honour of Budapest Day, all Budapest History Museum institutions can be visited free of charge by visitors with a valid Budapest address card.


Holiday schedule – 29 October – 1 November

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Holiday schedule at the Aquincum Museum - 29 October - 1 November 2022


National Day – 23 October 2022

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On account of the National Day, the museum can be visited free of charge on 23 October 2022.


Partial closure of the Rome in Aquincum exhibition, 04/10-05/10

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On 4 and 5 October 2022, the Rome in Aquincum exhibition will be closed partially for private functions.


(HU) A XXV. Aquincumi Költőverseny díjazottjai

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(HU) Az alábbiakban olvashatják a XXV. Aquincumi Költőverseny díjazottjainak névsorát, illetve a nyertes és döntőbe jutott pályaműveket.

katonavarosi amfiteatrum legifoto

Closures – Military Town Amphitheatre

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Closures during, before and after the AmfiFeszt.


National Day – 20 August

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Free admission at the Aquincum Museum during the National Day on 20 August 2022!


The Governor’s palace room to close from 12.00 on 29/07

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Dear Visitors, The Rome in Aquincum exhibition's Governor's palace room will be closed from 12:00 on 29 July 2022 for an event. Thank you for your understanding!

Apicius könyv4

(HU) Új könyv: APICIUS

Archived news

(HU) A Pro Aquinco Alapítvány gondozásában megjelent Apicius, De re coquinaria. Receptek és szakácsfortélyok az ókorból című új kiadványunk.

Széchenyi 2020
Széchenyi 2020