
Partial closure of the Rome in Aquincum exhibition, 04/10-05/10

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On 4 and 5 October 2022, the Rome in Aquincum exhibition will be closed partially for private functions.


(HU) A XXV. Aquincumi Költőverseny díjazottjai

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(HU) Az alábbiakban olvashatják a XXV. Aquincumi Költőverseny díjazottjainak névsorát, illetve a nyertes és döntőbe jutott pályaműveket.

katonavarosi amfiteatrum legifoto

Closures – Military Town Amphitheatre

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Closures during, before and after the AmfiFeszt.


National Day – 20 August

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Free admission at the Aquincum Museum during the National Day on 20 August 2022!


The Governor’s palace room to close from 12.00 on 29/07

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Dear Visitors, The Rome in Aquincum exhibition's Governor's palace room will be closed from 12:00 on 29 July 2022 for an event. Thank you for your understanding!

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(HU) Új könyv: APICIUS

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(HU) A Pro Aquinco Alapítvány gondozásában megjelent Apicius, De re coquinaria. Receptek és szakácsfortélyok az ókorból című új kiadványunk.


The 25th Aquincum Poetry Contest

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The BHM Aquincum Museum, the Hungarian Writers' Association and the Pannon Art Foundation present the 25th Aquincum Poetry Contest! (The contest is in Hungarian.)


The Aquincum Museum can be visited the whole day on 25 June only with Night of Museum tickets!

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On Satuday 25 June 2022, the usual discounts and ticket prices are not valid.


Last Saturday of the month discount

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On account of the Night of Museums, in June 2022 the discounts on the last Saturday of the month can be used one week earlier, on Saturday, 18 June.


Holiday schedule – Pentecost 2022

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The Aquincum Museum is open during the Pentecost long weekend!

Széchenyi 2020
Széchenyi 2020