Sinkó Zsuzsa rajz

Budapest Day – free entry with Budapest address card – on 17 Nov

Archived news

On Wednesday, 17 November 2021, in honour of Budapest Day, the museum can be visited free of charge by visitors with a valid Budapest address card.


Organ room partially closed on 16/11

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On 16 November 2021, the Organ room of the Rome in Aquincum exhibition will be closed from 13:00 to 14:00.


Organ room closed on 13/11

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On 13 November 2021 the Organ room will be closed for a conference.


Organ room closed on morning of 11/11

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On 11 November 2021 until 12:00, the Organ room of the Rome in Aquincum exhibition will be closed.


Face masks mandate from 1 November

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From 1 November visitors must wear a face mask covering the nose and mouth in our museum.


Holiday schedule – 30 October – 1 November

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Holiday schedule at the Aquincum Museum - 30 October - 1 November

Aquincum tavasz

National Day – 23 October

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On account of the National Day, the museum can be visited free of charge on 23 October 2021.


Organ room partially closed on 12/10

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On 12 October 2021, between 10:00 and 12:00, the Organ room will be closed for a workshop.


(HU) A XXIV. Aquincumi Költőverseny díjazottjai

Archived news

(HU) Az alábbiakban olvashatják a XXIV. Aquincumi Költőverseny díjazottjainak névsorát, illetve a nyertes és döntőbe jutott pályaműveket.

Múzeumpedagógia díj 2021

Awards for museum education

Archived news

Two of our colleagues at the BHM Aquincum Museum have won awards for museum education on 27 September 2021!

Széchenyi 2020
Széchenyi 2020