
Laser cleaning of a Mithras shrine wall painting fragment

We had a highly contaminated fragment of a wall painting found in the Mithras shrine at the Aquincum legionary fortress in 1979 cleaned using a laser. The laser cleaning procedure was carried out by stone sculptor-conservator Dr Ivett Kisapáti (Carter & Carter Ltd., www.carterart.hu).

The wall painting fragment before the cleaning (Photograph by Ivett Kisapáti)

The laser cleaning process 

The wall painting fragment after the cleaning (Photograph by Ivett Kisapáti)


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The reconstruction of the Mithraeum’s painted cult image,
with an arrow indicating the fragment in question
(reconstruction by O. Madarassy 1991, Source: BudRég 1991)

The fragment in question during the excavation, in its original location (in situ) on the side wall
(Source: Das römische Budapest)

Széchenyi 2020
Széchenyi 2020