
Pentecost weekend in Aquincum

The Archaeological Park, the Baths Museum, and the Hercules Villa are also open on 30-31 May and 1 June!

Dear Visitors,

The Archaeological Park (09:00-18:00, with two-hour time slots), the Baths Museum (10:00-18:00, with one-hour time slots), and the Hercules Villa (10:00-18:00, with half-hour time slots) are open during the Pentecost long weekend.

Tickets for the various time slots can be purchased on Jegymester.hu.

The usual discounts apply. Those eligible for free admission (e.g. 3rd district residents, EEA citizens over the age of 70, on the last Saturday of the month: visitors under 26 and max. 2 close relatives accompanying children under the age of 18) must book a free ticket on Jegymester.hu for the time slot during which they wish to visit. Proof of eligibility must be presented in all cases upon entry. For a full list of discounts visit the Ticket prices page.

Until further notice, we are unable to receive groups (this does not apply to those living in the same household).

To read the guidelines for visitors click here.

Széchenyi 2020
Széchenyi 2020