
Samhain – Celtic Halloween 2020

Aktuális program

Join us in 2020 as well for our Celtic Halloween, on 31 October! This year we are organising separate events for children (from 13:00 to 16:00) and adults (from 17:00 until 22:00)!


Armilustrium in Aquincum 25/10

Aktuális program

The festival for the purification of weapons - 11:00, Sunday, 25 October 2020.

Helytorteneti eloadasok 2 Csillaghegy

Local history talks in Aquincum

Aktuális program

Special local history talks in Aquincum. (The events are in Hungarian.)

porta praetoria

(HU) Óbuda római öröksége – A katonaváros BETELT!

Aktuális program

(HU) Séta az ókori Óbudán, 2020. október 18-án! BETELT!

Barbár Családi Nap_Aquincum

Barbarian Family Day in Aquincum 2020

Aktuális program

Barbarian Family Day 2020 in Aquincum! Join us on 4 October from 10:00 until 18:00!


The 23rd Annual Aquincum Poetry Contest

Aktuális program

The Aquincum Museum, the Hungarian Writers' Association and the Pannon Art Foundation present the 23rd annual Aquincum Poetry Contest! (The event is in Hungarian.)


Special history classes at the Aquincum Museum

Aktuális program

The Aquincum Museum is organising special sessions between 21 and 25 September for upper primary and secondary school students interested in history. (The classes are in Hungarian.)


European Heritage Days 19/09-20/09

Aktuális program

The Aquincum Museum is taking part in the European Heritage Days in 2020 as well.


Roman Festival 2020

Aktuális program

Unfortunately we had to cancel our traditional spring festival, the Floralia in May due to the coronavirus pandemic. The good news is that we don’t have to wait a whole year until the next all-out Roman festival! Join us for a series of colourful events on 12 and 13 September in Aquincum!

Keep Floyding 0828

The Return to Aquincum Garden

Aktuális program

Keep Floyding returns to the Archaeological Park with a concert on Friday, 28 August 2020 from 19:30. Doors open at: 18:00.

Széchenyi 2020
Széchenyi 2020