European Heritage Days 21/09-22/09
Aktuális program
The Aquincum Museum is taking part in the European Heritage Days in 2019 as well.
Elek István Jazz Quartet concert 31/08, 19:00
Aktuális program
The Elek István Jazz Quartet will perform in Aquincum on 31 August 2019 from 19:00.
Keep Floyding concert 24/08, 19:00
Aktuális program
The band will perform three times in Aquincum on the Archaeological Park's stage. The third concert: 24 August from 19:00.
Bring Grandpa!
Aktuális program
Guided tour (in Hungarian) and arts and crafts workshop for grandparents and their grandchildren on 21 August 2019 between 10:00 and 12:00.
Bring Grandma!
Aktuális program
Guided tour and arts and crafts workshop for grandparents and their grandchildren on 2 July 2019 between 10:00 and 12:00.
Dürrenmatt: A nagy Romulus – július 5-6-7., 19.30
Aktuális program
AQUINCUMI NYÁRI SZÍNHÁZ: Az új darab 2019-ben 6 alkalommal kerül bemutatásra az Aquincumi Múzeum romkerti színpadán június 28-29-30-án és július 5-6-7-én 19:30-tól Papp Dániel rendezésében.
Pankastic! concert, 27/07, 19:00
Aktuális program
Pankastic! will perform in Aquincum on 27 July 2019 from 19:00.