Keep Floyding

Live at Aquincum Amphitheatre – ATOM HEART MOTHER

Aktuális program

Keep Floyding returns to the Aquincum Civil Town's amphitheatre on 29 April 2022, at 19.00. Doors open at 17:30.

Történelmi Vásár

Historic Fair in Aquincum

Aktuális program

Historic Fair at the Aquincum Museum on 2 and 3 April 2022!

Minden út Aquincumba vezet

(HU) Minden út (Rómába) Aquincumba vezet – Kiállításmegnyitó

Aktuális program

(HU) Március 30-án új időszaki kiállításunk nyílik 'Minden út (Rómába) Aquincumba vezet' címmel.

On the trail of forgotten aqueducts – Secret adventures in underground Óbuda

Aktuális program

Lecture at the Organ room of the Aquincum Museum on 19 March 2022 in honour of World Water Day. In Hungarian.


Exhibition closing event – A 7000-year-old message: Remains of the Neolithic world in and around Budapest

Aktuális program

On 16 December 2021, we are organising guided tours and arts & crafts workshops connected with the theme of our temporary exhibition A 7000-year-old message: Remains of the Neolithic world in and around Budapest, which closes at the end of December.

Aquincum tavasz

4th Re-enactment conference and workshop

Aktuális program

Conference and workshop for archaeologists, conservators, craftspeople and members of historical re-enactment groups at the Aquincum Museum on 13 November 2021. The conference is in Hungarian.

Utazó múzeum

(HU) Aquincum útra kel!

Aktuális program

(HU) 2021. szeptember 27. és november 11. között Aquincum útra kel!


Samhain – Celtic Halloween 2021

Aktuális program

Samhain - Celtic Halloween in Aquincum on 31 October 2021, from 15:00 to 23:00!


Antik/Avantgárd concert in Aquincum

Aktuális program

On Saturday, 16 October 2021, from 19:00, Antik/Avantgárd concert at the Aquincum Museum!

(HU) Óbuda római öröksége és Óbudai Rolling Stones – Ókori guruló vezetés

Aktuális program

(HU) A program során az Aquincumi Múzeum munkatársa kalauzolja az érdeklődőket az egykori Aquincum, a mai Óbuda területén, október 9-én, 16-án, és 24-én.

Széchenyi 2020
Széchenyi 2020