
Museum classes for upper primary school pupils at the BHM Aquincum Museum.

The price covers the entry and the session, but excludes the guided tour in English, to which an extra fee applies.

Museum classes are free for schools in Óbuda-Békásmegyer (District 3 of Budapest). 

In accordance with Government decree 1502/2017.(VIII.11.) on visits to national museums, full-time pupils travelling to visit the BHM Aquincum Museum as a group organised by their school, are eligible for free travel by Hungarian rail. For more details click here. (In Hungarian)


Please register at least 2 weeks before arrival by email: regisztracio@aquincum.hu

Museum classes are available from Tuesday to Friday.

If you are coming with more than one class, please choose another session for the other class.

Due to the large number of museum classes, in case of an arrival 30 minutes or more after the beginning of the reserved session, we consider the registration to be lapsed.

No more museum classes can be booked for the dates below:

March: 20, 21, 28.
April: 15, 16.
May: 9, 13, 15, 17.
June: 12, 17.






What do the ruins tell us? 

Themed guided tour and treasure hunt in the Archaeological Park

The pupils walk through the museum’s Archaeological Park in a guided tour, and then, in groups, use what they heard during the tour in a fun contest. The tasks include a “treasure hunt” in the Archaeological Park and completing an activity sheetAs the session takes place outside, we recommend it from spring to autumn.

Length: 1.5-2 hours

Price: 2000 HUF/pupil (min. 10 max. 20 pupils) + fee for the guided tour in English (21,000 HUF/group).

Recommended age:  11-14 years 


City life in Aquincum

Themed guided tour and arts and crafts session

The pupils take part in a themed guided tour of the museum’s Archaeological Park or permanent exhibition, and use what they see during the arts and crafts workshop. They can then take home the objects  they make.

Length: 1.5 hours

Price : 2500 HUF/pupil (min. 10 max. 20 pupils) + fee for the guided tour in English (21,000 HUF/group).

Recommended age: 11-13 years 

 Történelmi verseny

Lucius’s adventures in Aquincum

Military-themed activity sheet-based session

The pupils visit the museum’s permanent exhibition “In the shadow of the Roman eagle – Military life along the Aquincum limes” in a guided tour. Then, in small groups they follow the story of Lucius in Aquincum. The groups fill in a thematic activity sheet with questions that help them interpret what they see in the exhibition.

Length: 1.5 hours

Price: 2000 HUF/pupil (min. 10 max. 20 pupils) + fee for the guided tour in English (21,000 HUF/group).

Recommended age:  11-14 years 


Bathing culture in the Roman period

Themed guided tour

During the guided tour, in addition to visiting a number of other buildings, students can take a close look at one of the public baths and a private bath suite in the archaeological park, and compare the two. They can also see or even hold in their hands replicas of objects once used regularly in the baths. They can compare the pools and ‘wellness’ facilities of the past with those of today, and find out how underfloor heating systems worked, what Romans had to look out for in the hottest room of the baths and what a trip to the toilet would have been like back then.

Length: 1-1.5 hours.

Price: 2000 HUF/pupil (min. 10 max. 20 pupils) + fee for the guided tour in English (21,000 HUF/group).

Recommended age:  11-14 years


Széchenyi 2020
Széchenyi 2020